Magento 2 – How to Add Text Within Container via XML


I am attempting to render a single line of text prior to a Link list in the footer. Creating a template file to do this seems to be a waste of resources for this task. As I understood it, I could output text with a Magento\Framework\View\Element\Text block in the layout.


<referenceContainer name="footer">
  <container name="footer.column.about_us" htmlTag="div" htmlClass="column about-us" before="-">
    <container name="column.about_us.label" htmlTag="div" htmlClass="label">
      <block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Text" name="about_us.label">
          <argument name="data" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="text" xsi:type="string">About Us</item>
    <block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Html\Links" name="footer_links.about_us">
        <argument name="css_class" xsi:type="string">footer links</argument>

The preceding does not output anything, and I am unsure whether this is unsupported, if I'm just doing it wrong, or if there is another more proper method to accomplish this.

To be clear, what I'm currently seeing is:

<div class="column about-us">
  <ul class="footer links">...</ul>

when I want to see:

<div class="column about-us">
  <div class="label">About Us</div>
  <ul class="footer links">...</ul>

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

You need to use the argument directly without the array.

Instead of

      <argument name="data" xsi:type="array">
        <item name="text" xsi:type="string">About Us</item>

You need:

      <argument translate="true" name="text" xsi:type="string">About Us</argument>


You can also try with the <action> tag:

<action method="setText">
      <argument translate="true" name="text" xsi:type="string">About Us</argument>

Adding a div directly

You can also add a div directly in the text with the following:

<argument translate="true" name="text" xsi:type="string"><![CDATA[<div class="label">About Us</div>]]></argument>
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