Magento 2 MEQP2 – How to Check MEQP2 for My Extension


I've been trying to validate my extension before submit it to Magento Marketplace.

I've installed MEQP using composer.

$ composer create-project –repository= magento/marketplace-eqp magento-coding-standard

But when I am trying to execute below commands as per Magento says it gives me error in my console.

Note: Currently I am on localhost with Xampp on windows OS.

1). Navigated to magento-coding-standard directory to my Magento2 root.

2). C:\xampp\htdocs\m2fresh\magento-coding-standard>cd vendor/bin/phpcs C:\xampp\htd
ocs\m2fresh\app\code\Vendor\Module\ –standard=MEQP2

It giving me error like below.

The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect

Any suggestion?

Best Answer

I think it creates an Issue because you are passing cd(change directory) in your command. try to execute without it. And one more thing If you are using Window OS then you need to make sure about slash (forward / or backward ).

Try with below command,

C:\xampp\htdocs\m2fresh\magento-coding-standard\vendor\bin\phpcs C:\xampp\htdocs\m2fresh\app\code\Vendor\Module\ --standard=MEQP2