Magento 2 – How to Concat String Variable to Option Value in Knockout Template


I've knockout template which contains the following line:

<option value='industrial' data-bind="i18n: 'Industrial'"></option>

anyone knows how to add variable to 'Industrial' eg.

<option value='industrial' data-bind="i18n: 'Industrial' + window.checkoutConfig.hrFlag"></option>

the above line didn't work.

Best Answer

To ensure that the text you add in a .js file is collected by the i18n tool and added to the dictionary:

  1. Link the mage/translate library

    define (['jquery', 'mage/translate'], function ($) {...});

  2. Use the $.mage.__('') function when adding a string:


If your string contains a variable, to add a placeholder for this variable to the string stored in the dictionary, use the syntax similar to the following:

 $.mage.__('Hello %1').replace('%1', yourVariable);

In this example, the 'Hello %1' string is added to the dictionary when the i18n tool is run.

Reference :

For phtmls $t does the same thing as mage/translate so you can do following ;

<option value='industrial' data-bind="i18n: $t('Industrial %1').replace('%1', window.checkoutConfig.hrFlag)"></option>