Magento 2 – How to Do Minicart AJAX Update


Is there any way to update the mini cart with ajax without update button.

I am using Magento 2.1.7 how to do mini cart ajax update when qty increment(+) and decrement(-) inside the mini cart, as qty increment(+) and decrement(-) inside the mini cart product price and the total must change without clicking on update

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

There are two Methods of updating the minicart

Method 1: Using sections.xml

Create sections.xml file under app/code/Vendor/Module/etc/frontend directory

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:module:Magento_Customer:etc/sections.xsd">
    <action name="module/ajax/index">
        <section name="cart"/>

Note: Put your ajax call URL in place of 'module/ajax/index'

Method 2: Using customerData dependency in the script tag

    ], function ($, customerData) {

        type: "post",
        url: "your_url",
        data: {data : yourData},
        cache: false,
            success: function(response) {

                // reload the minicart
                var sections = ['cart'];
                customerData.reload(sections, true);

