Magento – Magento 2 – How to get all items in cart


At checkout page (chekout/cart) I want to edit the checkout button url destination based on cart items (link.phtml).

How can I get all items in cart? I want to do this without using the API. Thanks.

Best Answer

I'll answer the question in two parts:

I. Where should you change the checkout URL?

The destination in link.phtml is $block->getCheckoutUrl(). You should not change the template to change functionality, but change the block Magento\Checkout\Block\Onepage\Link instead. To do so create a plugin for it with a method afterGetCheckoutUrl() to change the return value.

II. How to get all items in the cart?

As of the service contracts in Magento_Checkout and Magento_Quote do not provide the necessary methods yet, so we use the cart model. In your plugin inject it like this:

public function __construct(\Magento\Checkout\Model\Cart $cart)
    $this->cart = $cart;

Now that you have access to the cart, you can retrieve the items in several ways, which is basically the same as in Magento 1:

  • $this->cart->getQuote()->getItemsCollection()

    Returns a quote item collection with all items associated to the current quote.

  • $this->cart->getItems()

    This is a shortcut for the method above, but if there is no quote it returns an empty array, so you cannot rely on getting a collection instance.

  • $this->cart->getQuote()->getAllItems()

    Loads the item collection, then returns an array of all items which are not marked as deleted (i.e. have been removed in the current request).

  • $this->cart->getQuote()->getAllVisibleItems()

    Loads the item collection, then returns an array of all items which are not marked as deleted AND do not have a parent (i.e. you get items for bundled and configurable products but not their associated children). Each array item corresponds to a displayed row in the cart page.

Choose what fits your needs best. In most cases the last method is what you need.

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