Magento2 – How to Get Attribute Group ID Using Attribute Set ID


I need to get all the attribute group id associated with the product.


$product_coll = $block->getProduct($product_id);
$pattr = $product_coll->getAttributeSetId();
$attrCodes = $block->getProductAttrData($pattr);
foreach($attrCodes as $attrCode)
    echo $attrCode->getDefaultFrontendLabel().'<br>';
    $code = $attrCode->getAttributeCode().'<br>';
    echo $product_coll->getData($code).'<br>';
    echo $block->getProductAttrValue($product_id, $code).'<br>';


I want to filter the attribute with it's group or group name "product details".
Any help appreciated.

Best Answer

Block function

public function getAttributeGroupId($attributeSetId)
         $obj = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();

        /** @var \Magento\Catalog\Model\Config $config */
        $config= $obj->get('Magento\Catalog\Model\Config');

        return $attributeGroupId = $config->getAttributeGroupId($attributeSetId, 'Product Details');


In html file

$group_id = $block->getAttributeGroupId('attribute_set_id');