Magento – Magento 2 : How to get product get images for thumbnail


enter image description here

Friend please help me how to get product images and thumbnail images.

Best Answer

You need to inject the ImageBuilder class in our block :

protected $_imageBuilder;

public function __construct(
    \Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\ImageBuilder $_imageBuilder

public function getImage($product, $imageId, $attributes = [])
    return $this->_imageBuilder->setProduct($product)

=> This is default image type :

$imageType = 'product_base_image';  //For getting the base image
$imageType = 'product_small_image';  //For getting the small image
$imageType = 'product_thumbnail_image';   //For getting the thumbnail image

Now, get thumbnail image in phtml file :

    $imageType = 'product_thumbnail_image'; //for thumbnail image
    $image = $block->getImage($_item, $imageType);

<img src = "<?php echo $image->getImageUrl(); ?>" />

Hope, It may be helpful for you !!

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