Magento 2 – How to Get Special Price Range of Configurable Product


I am able to get Bundle and Configurable Regular Price of Product. But Special Price there is no min max available.

Below is code which I tried for regular configurable price but same is not working for special Price

    $product = $this->modelProduct->load(745);
    echo '=>'. $configPrice->getMinRegularAmount();// For min price
    echo '=>'. $configPrice->getMaxRegularAmount();// For max price

Best Answer

Try this function for Special Price Range (it works for me)

public function getSpecialPriceRange($product)
        $specialChildProductPrice = [];
        $specialChildProduct = $this->configurableProduct->getUsedProducts($product);
        foreach ($specialChildProduct as $child) {
            $specialPrice = $child->getSpecialPrice();
            if ($specialPrice !=0 and !is_null($specialPrice)) {
                $specialPrice = number_format($specialPrice, 2, '.', '');
                $specialChildProductPrice[] = $specialPrice;
        if (count($specialChildProductPrice)==0) {
            return '';
        $maxInt = max($specialChildProductPrice);
        $minInt = min($specialChildProductPrice);
        if ($maxInt == 0) {
            return '';
        $max = $this->pricingHelper->currencyByStore($maxInt);
        $min = $this->pricingHelper->currencyByStore($minInt);

        if ($min==$max) {
            return $this->getPriceRender($product, "$min", '', 'special-price');
        } else {
            return $this->getPriceRender($product, "$min - $max", '', 'special-price');