Magento – Magento 2: How to move currency switcher


I'm fairly new to Magento 2 and I need guidance on how to move the currency switcher from the top-header-content and into the middle-header-content. I'm using the Claue theme.

I understand the that there is a move instruction that can be used in xml, but I have no idea in which xml file I would need to put this or if I should create a new xml file.

Underneath I have posted a couple of images that show what I am trying to achieve.

(I only have this project setup locally.)

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

You need to use block move functionality with making some css tweak for adjust their place. For more reference go through doc , below is the example of code snippets you have to change elements & destination ,other elements.

<move element="currency" destination="header.panel" before="skip_to_content"/>
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