Magento 2 JavaScript – How to Override Core JS Module price-bundle.js


I am attempting to override the _onQtyFieldChanged event in the mage.priceBundle widget in the module-bundle/view/base/web/js/price-bundle.js file.

I am referencing the Magento dev docs ( and this Magento StackExchange question (Magento2: How can I override core js module price-box.js), but I can't manage to get my custom _onQtyFieldChanged event method to execute. As of now I only have a console.log statement in that method.

A little background:
My custom price-bundle.js file is found in Endertech/BundleExtended/view/base/web/js directory.
My requirejs-config.js is in Endertech/BundleExtended/view/frontend.


var config = {
    map: {
        "*": {
            priceBundle: 'Endertech_BundleExtended/js/price-bundle',
            'Magento_Bundle/js/price-bundle': 'Endertech_BundleExtended/js/price-bundle'



], function ($, _, mageTemplate, utils) {
    'use strict';

    $.widget('Endertech.priceBundle', $.mage.priceBundle, {

        _onQtyFieldChanged: function onQtyFieldChanged(event) {
            console.log("Endertech Module"); 
            var field = $(,

            if ('optionId') &&'optionValueId')) {
                optionInstance ='option');
                optionConfig = this.options.optionConfig
                optionConfig.qty = field.val();


    return $.Endertech.priceBundle;



So I realized that probably the issue I am coming across is the fact that the widget method I am trying to modify is a private method in module-bundle/view/base/web/js/price-bundle.js. Which is the reason why I can't override it or extend it. I am not sure if there is a way to get around this or a different approach I need to take to this issue that I don't know about.

Any help and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

I had the same issue like you and found a workaround, but don't know if it is helpful. I am going to share it anyway.

I resigned to override the function. Then I was trying to override the whole widget, but couldn't get it to work either. The widget wasn't overridden and the magento standard widget was loaded.

I inspected the generated pub/static/_requirejs/frontend/<Vendor>/<theme>/<location>/requirejs-config.js file. It seems to me, that the modules' requirejs configurations are inserted in a alphabetical order. Thus, the priceBundle variable of my module was overridden by the one of the magento-bundle module, because my vendor starts with a 'C'.

For testing purposes I created a new module and changed the vendor to 'XC...'. After that the overriding of the whole widget works.

But I am still interested in how to override just one function.

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