Magento 2 – How to Translate the Minicart


I'm building an online store using Magento version 2.1.8. I've created a Luma child-theme.

Magento offers CSV files for translating most of it. But the minicart uses JavaScript for the text strings within it.

enter image description here

How can I overwrite the default English text, for Romanian?

Best Answer

For JS translate you must create language pack with below files.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<language xmlns:xsi=""




/app/i18n/Myshop/ro_ro/ro_RO.csv with your translates (examples):

"Cart Subtotal:","Costul mărfurilor:"
"Go to Checkout","Du-te la checkout"

For apply your store must use Romanian locale, of course. JS translates are stored in /pub/static/frontend/Myshop/Mytheme/ro_RO/js-translation.json.

Remove this file for refresh, clear cache and browser local storage. Enjoy!

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