Magento 2 Module Uninstall – How to Uninstall a Module


How to uninstall module ?

I read this document

But it was not successful, and display below:

php bin/magento module:uninstall SP_Gridthumbs 

SP_Gridthumbs is not an installed composer package

Best Answer

it says in the documentation you linked, this:

This command works only with modules defined as Composer packages.

If you did not install the module via composer, it won't work.
You can only disable it via bin/magento module:disable SP_Gridthumbs.

To remove the module, remove the folder SP/Gridthumbs, remove the record with module = 'SP_Gridthumbs' from the table setup_module and remove any other tables or records added by the install of the module.
Also remove the line with SP_Gridthumbs from app/etc/config.php

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