Magento 2 – How to Use the Layout Handle customer_logged_in


Does Magento 2 have such handle as customer_logged_in? If yes how can I use it?

I tried to create


and added there <referenceBlock name="content" remove="true" />

But content block wasn't removed. I renamed handle file to default and block was successfully removed.

What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

Answer to your question is definitely no, there is no customer_logged_in handle anymore, I've digged into the code and could not find any layout handle that could do the trick.

On top of that under \dev\tests\static\testsuite\Magento\Test\Legacy\LayoutTest.php you can find the following code:

 * List of obsolete nodes
 * @var array
protected $_obsoleteNodes = [

Which to me, clearly tells us that the customer_logged_in layout handle is obsolete now.

See Fabian's answer for explanations about how it is done now in Magento 2.

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