Magento 2 – How to Import Additional Attributes and Images


I am trying to import csv in Magento 2. There are no errors given by Magento while importing, but column additional_attributes is totally ignored and additional_images is ignored if it contains multiple values. I used following import options:

Field divider: ,

Value divider: |

Fields enclosure: active

The csv looks like, this:


Why are those values getting ignored?

Edit: If I deactivate the fields enclosure checkfield I receive the following error:

1. Value for 'manufacturer' attribute contains incorrect value, see acceptable values on settings specified for Admin in row(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1

The values equals exactly the value specified for that attribute in the backend.

SOLUTION: I replaced al the | with a , in my csv except for the additional_attributes column. During the import I used the default configuration, both delimiters as , field enclosure checkbox unchecked. Now it is working.

Best Answer

SOLUTION: I replaced all the | with a , in my csv except for the additional_attributes column. During the import I used the default configuration, both delimiters as , and field enclosure checkbox unchecked. Now it is working.