Magento 2 – Icons Not Showing on Frontend


I installed a new magento 2 shop and both the front and backend were missing css etc. I ran php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy and everything looked correct except for the logo and the icon font in the front end. I could change the logo, and the backend was showing the icons no problem. But the front end was not rendering properly:

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

What am I missing to get these icons showing?

Best Answer

I was using English UK as my language.


had the missing fonts in it. I had to copy them to


I see there are a load of extra files in the en_US file, that are not in the en_GB. No idea why this is, but copying the font files into the right place and they work.

when you install on other language let say Romanian or UK English or Spanish, the program do not download all fonts in the correct folder, so for this reason we must put them manual in the language we want .. so we can have :)

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