Magento – Magento 2: Import/Export Product Attribute Set & it’s Attributes


I refer Magento 2 – Export/Import Product Attributes but no one answered 🙁

I have already created new Attribute Set & it's Attributes. I have checked Magento Default Import/Export for Products. It will do with all products.

I just want to export My newly created Attribute Set & it's Attributes. I have added in my Local. Now want to upload on a server. Can't override DB/Table.

Can manage through CSV or Custom Code?

Best Answer

You could try inserting the data manually by exporting the data from your local database, and running a SQL command like this for each of the tables you need to import with the data from your local table.

INSERT INTO catalog_eav_attribute (attribute_id, frontend_input_renderer, is_global, is_visible, is_searchable, is_filterable, is_comparable, is_visible_on_front, is_html_allowed_on_front, is_used_for_price_rules, is_filterable_in_search, used_in_product_listing, used_for_sort_by, apply_to, is_visible_in_advanced_search, position, is_wysiwyg_enabled, is_used_for_promo_rules, is_required_in_admin_store, is_used_in_grid, is_visible_in_grid, is_filterable_in_grid, search_weight, additional_data) VALUES

There are obviously more than just one table that will require your attention, but this is the fastest solution that I found.