Magento 2.3 Increase Site Speed – Optimization Tips


Magento 2 website speed very slow as per

Result of site:-

Reduce server response times (TTFB) - 1.68 s
JavaScript execution time - 2.9 s

enter image description here
Almost 250 request sends to server. So, google page speed gives 4/100 for mobile and 46/100 for desktop.

We already enabled minify js, merge js, minify css and merge css from backend.
Also, HTTP2 protocol used to send all request. We use built in cache in production mode.

We do not use Bundling because its create almost 7.5 MB file so takes more time to load resources.

Please help me to improve page speed around 85/100 for desktop at-least.

Best Answer

I see you tagged LiteSpeed, are you using LiteSpeed web server? If yes, you can take advantage of LiteMage cache to replace Magento built-in cache. The LiteMage starter option has no extra cost. Many LiteSpeed users are using this solution for their Magento 2 stores and are very happy with the results.

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