Magento – Magento 2 Install error: “There is no such engine:”


I tried to install Magento 2.2 EE on my local with MySQL 5.7.21 and PHP 7. On the command "bin/magento setup:install" it starts to populate the database until a point when it crashes with the following error:

   Progress: 434 / 801]
   Module 'Magento_CatalogSearch':
   Installing data...

       There is no such engine:

That's all I got. I tried to modify the table 'core_config_data' where path is 'catalog/search/engine' to 'mysql', realised that it wasn't even there, had to add it manually, but it didn't work at all, at the "bin/magento setup:upgrade" it also crashes at Magento_CatalogSearch with the same error "There is no such engine:".

Any ideas how can I get rid of this error?

Best Answer

Try with the below 3 steps:

  1. Ignore the Magento_CatalogSearch installation during the first time

Go to app/etc/config.php and disable this module, Search for Magento_CatalogSearch and change 1 to 0.

  1. Run this SQL query after successful installation or can be done in background

UPDATE core_config_data set value = 'mysql' where path='catalog/search/engine';

  1. After installation is successful, Run the below CLI command to upgrade, flush the cache and reindex

php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade php -f bin/magento cache:flush php -f bin/magento indexer:reindex

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