Magento 2 – How to Load Latest Version of jQuery in Custom Module


I want to load the latest version (v3.2.1) jquery in my Magento 2 custom module.

Actually, I want to use materializes in luma theme but for that jquery version must be 3.2.1. I tried to replace the current version with the new one but I got other jquery errors.

So I want to load the latest version only in my custom module.

Anyone know how to do it?

Best Answer

Method 1: JS override

You can override the original jQuery file to the one you desired. If you have an own theme, you can put the latest jquery.js file into app\design\frontend\Vendor\Theme\web\js\. The system will use your jQuery file instead.

Ref: How to change jQuery version in Magento2

Method 2: Use CDN

It also override the original theme JS file, and using your theme files. But this time, we don't download the jquery.js file. We always get the latest one.

  1. Go to app\design\frontend\Vendor\Theme\Magento_Theme\layout\default_head_blocks.xml. You can create this file if you don't have.

  2. Add the following code on the file

    <page xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
        <!--Remove default jquery, or it will cause conflict-->
        <remove src="lib\web\jquery.js"/>
        <!--Include CDN-->
              crossorigin="anonymous" src_type="url"></script>

You can change to any jQuery versions as you want. For the <script> part, you can refer to . And, remember to add src_type="url" before closing tag.

  1. If you have enabled cache, clear the cache.


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