Magento – Magento 2 local development environment


I have always used MAMP PRO to configure my Magento sites for local dev, but with Magento 2 requiring mysql 5.6, I haven't had much luck setting up site successfully on local server with MAMP…plus I'm reading a lot that it's more or less abandonware.

I used this Vagrant setup:, which seemed to work alright, but not quite as intuitive to configure the host names and set up project.

Any other suggestions or ideas on some efficient/easy to set up local dev environment packages for Magento 2. Or is a VM my best bet?

Best Answer

For Windows: Uniform Server is an easy-to-use portable server (WAMP stack) that supports Magento 2 out-of-box. Current configuration includes MySQL 5.6 and PHP 7.0, although you can change to other versions via module installers if you'd prefer.

Note that Magento 2.0 still has trouble running on Windows natively in development mode, due to symlink issues. See for a fix.

That being said, Vagrant is generally the recommended approach.

For Mac or Linux, you might be better off installing the AMP packages directly rather than trying to deal with MAMP, but Vagrant would probably be easier overall.

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