Magento – Magento 2 Locked Config Values


I'm having a problem with config values being locked in the Magento 2 admin.

I've seen that this can happen when you dump the config, but I didn't do that.

When, You dump it's supposed to update the config.php, but my config.php has no settings entries, only module enable/disable flags.

bin/magento app:config:import returns back Nothing to import.

Something broke and I can't undo it. This only seems to be happening for the Default Scope, and it's not all settings, only the Store Email Addresses settings. We configured them once, now I can't get back in and change them.


Best Answer

"dawhoo" was on to something, but it had nothing to do with the DB info. That config file (app/etc/env.php) contains config settings of a sensitive nature and is the place where sensitive config values are dumped if you do an export. After I inadvertently dumped all settings and locked them all, I recovered by removing the exported values from the app/etc/config.php file. However, the sensitive ones were exported to app/etc/env.php, which I was not aware of. We use git for deployments and it's advised NOT to have app/etc/env.php in git, so I didn't even notice the change to the file.

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