Magento 2 – Fix Low Image Quality on Products

gd2image qualitymagento2php-7

We are currently using Magento 2 and all the images uploaded to the website are resized or modified by the system. The result is a poor image quality on all the products.

I'm not finding any configuration on the backend to change this settings and I understand that's managed directly from que PHP Image library.

That's our current env:

  • Container 1: MariaDB
  • Container 2: Redis (for Magento's cache)
  • Container 3: Apache 2.4 + PHP 7 (modphp and PHP GD2)
  • Container 4: Cron
  • Container 5: Varnish 4
  • Container 6: Redis (for autodiscovery cluster nodes)
  • Container 7: Nginx SSL terminator

I checked on the Settings -> Developer you can switch to Image Magick. It's this the solution?


Best Answer

the quality of image is set in Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Image at line no 43 protected $_quality = 80; you can override this in you module

See How to override here

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