Magento 2 Migration Tool – Migrate Settings from 1.9 to 2.0 CE


I am trying to migrate settings from Magento version to 2.0.0 CE

mage2\vendor\magento\data-migration-tool\etc\ce-to-ce\\config.xml content

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<config xmlns:xs="" xs:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../config.xsd">
    <steps mode="settings">
        <step title="Settings step">
    <source version="">
        <database host="localhost" name="magento9" user="root"/>
    <destination version="2.0.2">
        <database host="localhost" name="mage2" user="root"/>

settings.xml is copied from path mage2\vendor\magento\data-migration-tool\etc\ce-to-ce

Added settings.xml.dist and map.xml.dist at location mage2\vendor\magento\data-migration-tool\etc

In CMD prompt I am executing commands:

D:\xamp\htdocs\mage2\> php bin/magento migrate:settings {vendor\magento\data-migration-tool\etc\ce-to-ce\\config.xml}

But it throws an exception

 Invalid config filename: {vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/ce-to-ce/1
 migrate:settings [-r|--reset] config
  1. How do I run the command successfully to migrate settings?
  2. Have I missed any step required for migration?

Please guide.

Reference links

Best Answer

For Data migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2.

Your first step is Setting migrate,

command is:

php bin/magento migrate:settings /var/www/html/{{magento2}}/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/ce-to-ce/{{magento1 version}}/config.xml

All System -> Configuration settings are migrated in setting migrate. After completion of setting migrate, You need to check in Magento 2 Stores -> Configuration setting.

In migrate setting, From your database table, core_config_data have affected.

All Magento 1 settings are migrated to magento 2.


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