Magento 2 Navigation – Fix Navigation Menu Not Showing


I am new to Magento so please bear with me 😀

I have successfully created a theme that is a child to the blank theme.

I am trying to get the menu working and for the life of me cannot see why it is not showing. I have read a couple of other threads and no luck.

I have added a root category with my subcategories in it. I have then assigned it to the store settings. I have re-indexed the site, cleared cache and still no joy.

Am I doing the right thing by just adding a category and it will show?


It seems I don't have the default category – see screenshot below

enter image description here


I have reinstalled Magento on my local machine. The menu shows fine on Luma and Blank theme but on my own custom one, it is not showing. Is there anything I need to include or check?

Thanks for the help

Best Answer

Solution 1 :

You need to have all your categories UNDER the "Default Category". Then they should show.

enter image description here

Solution 2 :

Verify that Default Category Is Active (Enable category = "yes") and "Include in Navigation Menu" to Yes.

enter image description here

Clear your cache by running the php bin/magento cache:clean command and check it will works.

Update :

Just go to the Stores -> All Stores -> Click on Store (Main website store) - >You will see Root category option there listed with your category name -> select that one (Test,Collection whatever you want)->click on save and check.

Refer below screenshot :

enter image description here

enter image description here

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