Magento 2.1 Product – Fix New Added Products Not Showing


I need some help I have added new products in the Backend and they are showing in the DB but not showing on the front page.
Also, previously out of stock products are not showing as well after enabling them to be back in stock.
I flushed cache and reindex as well without any success.

Has this got something to do with the Cron Job?
If yes can someone guide me in the right direction on how to set up multiple cron jobs in cPanel?

I've one cron job running already isn't that enough?

Best Answer

In Magento 1, after every product uploaded, you need a re-index required.

In Magento 2 to run the Reindex, you should setup the cron job.

If you want reindex immediate then you should run php bin/magento indexer:reindex command from Terminal

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