Magento – Magento 2 on shared hosting, Vendor autoload is not found. Please run ‘composer install’


I am trying to install magento2 on shared hosting environment this is what i did.

  1. Downloaded magento .zip archive and uploaded it to server in public_html/magento2 directory.

Tried running it in browser it gives me this error "Vendor autoload is not found. Please run 'composer install' under application root directory."

Same archive is working fine in my local server, i have successfully installed it on local server with sample data.

Please guide me what i am doing wrong.


I have SSH access of my shared hosting, as i am on windows so i have connected that via putty and when i run composer install there it gives me this error "-bash: composer: command not found"

Best Answer

You can just download composer in Magento root directory and run it like php composer.phar install or download all locally, run composer install and upload vendor directory on the server.

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