Magento 2 – Order Email Template Override Not Working


I need to style the items table in the order email.

So I have copied




Added some content, ran my script that fixes most of the "issues"

rm -R ./pub/static/*
./php bin/magento cache:clean
./php bin/magento cache:flush
./php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy --force
./php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy sk_SK --force
./php bin/magento setup:di:compile
./php bin/magento indexer:reindex
./php bin/magento cache:clean
chown ./ -R

note: ./php is shortcut to php7 because the server by default has php5 on cli.

I have re-sent the order email from admin, then manually triggered cron. Then I have received the email without the added content.

If I add content in the /vendor/……/templates/email/items.phtml then it works fine.

Also I am receiving the same email multiple times (from 2 times up to 11 times) Why?

Any suggestions why the override does not work?

Best Answer

Well, on the next day it started working. Probably some buggy background cache.

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