Magento 2 Page Speed Optimization Techniques


Please provide me the suggestion regarding magento 2 store speed up?
I already set the minified js and css from the admin panel.

Also find too many request in the browser, how can we reduce server request in magento 2.

Please explain how magento 2 caching work?

Best Answer

Firstly you if want good magento pagespeed, the store must be set to production mode using following command;

php bin/magento deploy:mode:set production

Now, for caching you can use magento's default full page cache, which does work as expected for most cases but go with third-party solutions like Redis or Varnish for more performance.

Installing and configuring these third party caches correctly is a long process so not including it here. Redis is relatively simpler to configure. You can follow this tutorial to install redis - and to configure it you can use this explanation -

How can we reduce server request in magento 2?

You can reduce the number of server requests drastically by bundling js files in admin or by db.

See my answer on how to it using db here - Magento 2.2.5 : Merge and minify js and css

Feel free to ping me in case of any confusion.

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