Magento – Magento 2: Payment Method Not Capturing Shipping Address From Payment Page


On the Checkout Page after filling the shipping address and checking the check box: my billing and shipping address are the same on the payment method

it returns the error:

Please check the billing address information. "firstname" is required.
Enter and try again. "lastname" is required. Enter and try again.
"street" is required. Enter and try again. "city" is required. Enter
and try again. "telephone" is required. Enter and try again.
"postcode" is required. Enter and try again. "regionId" is required.
Enter and try again.

It now requires that I uncheck the checkbox: my billing and shipping address are the same and enter a billing address there too for the order to be placed successfully.

I would prefer to just check the checkbox: my billing and shipping address are the same to place the order successfully.

Screenshot of the Error

Best Answer

I am also facing same issue with onestepcheckout.Please check the shipping address information. "firstname" is required. Enter and try again. "lastname" is required. Enter and try again. "street" is required. Enter and try again. "city" is required. Enter and try again. "telephone" is required. Enter and try again. "regionId" is required. Enter and try again. Can anyone help me to solve this issue.

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