Magento – Magento 2 Permissions Problem


Can someone please advise me on the following problem

Here is a link to a video showing what is happening

I strongly believe this is a permissions problem

In video clip one I do the following steps

  1. In terminal I type in command – php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    This brings up a warning message in red

(Permission denied in
on line 663)

  1. I refresh the page the site is still working

  2. I put in command sudo php bin/magento setup:upgrade

  3. I refresh the site and the site is down with a warning message

In video clip two I do the following

  1. I put in command sudo php bin/magento setup:upgrade

2 I put in command sudo php bin/magento setup:di:compile

  1. Go to the site then click on a link and the site is down again with the same warning

failed to open stream: Permission denied in
on line 663

Best Answer

I wouldn't recommend using 777 permissions as this allows global write permissions. In a shared hosting environment i prefer to use :

chown -R webserveruser:webservergroup ./ PATH

If you must use chmod check the official documentation and what it recommends

chmod -R u+w .

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