Magento – Magento 2 Possible to make Stock Status working for storeviews


In Magento, Stock Status is global, so when a product is Out-Of-Stock, then it's disabled for all websites / storeviews.

Are there anyways to make Stock Status working on storeview level? I have bought the Advanced Inventory module from Wyomind, but it only allows you to created different warehouses for different storeviews. And when a warehouse having 0 on the stock, it won't disable the product for that website the warehouse is associated with.

Can I make my own module to have Stock Status working on storeviews? or are there extensions available for this?

Best Answer

Magento 2.3 comes up with new MSI feature, so now you can maintain stock status based on store views. Check the release notes

and upgrade your magento 2.x to 2.3

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