Magento 2 Product Import Issues – Images Not Importing


I am importing products using the built-in CSV import (System – import – products)

All my data is imported fine, but I get an error
"Imported resource (image) could not be downloaded from an external resource due to timeout or access permissions in rows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10"

in my case, I have written the base_image path as

as a test, I removed my folder structure, edited the CSV and tried this and got the same problem, same error

I tried writing file path as so
but it won't let me past the "check data" validator.

I confirmed the permissions on the folders and files is 775

I am using PHP 5.6, I tried 7 but it broke the whole site in many different ways, so that isn't an option

As a side note, if I run this 20 times in a row, the entire site hangs and import won't work again until I do a full system restore (what's up with that?)

Can I put the images on a different server and link to them that way?

Best Answer

the image path should be something like this in the csv: Ach7938.jpg

M1 would then search for the image file in media/import so I think it would be pub/media/import in M2

You could create a product with an Image and then export the data to get a clue how the value in the csv has to be