Magento 2 Products Not Showing in Categories and Search


Got an issue with displaying the products in frontend although they all can be seen in backend. Products also can't be searched but can be accessed via url e.g. so the product page works.

Things I've done so far:

  • Cleared Cached
  • Re-indexed everything
  • Remove/Re-added products to the same category
  • Removed/Reimported the products
  • Made sure the products are enabled
  • Made sure the items are in stock
  • Made sure the inventory qty is more than 0
  • Made sure the product visibility is set to "Catalog, Search"
  • Made sure the products are assigned to website
  • Disabled all custom modules
  • Changed the custom theme to luma
  • Upgraded Magento to 2.3.1
  • Looked through magento, apache, mysql logs

Do you have an idea what the problem could be or what else could I try?

Update 15.05:

Figured out that records in catalog_product_index_eav are not being generated and when I add the product record there manually it shows up in frontend.

Does someone has any idea how I could fix this?

Best Answer

The issue was in the search index tables and there's an easy solution:
Magento admin -> Configuration -> Catalog -> Catalog Search
- in Search Engine select, choose Mysql option and save
- refresh cache
- reindex, products should be there

Thanks to everyone who tried to help :)

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