Magento – Magento 2 programmatically online refund


I'm trying to make online refund using this method:

// \Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Invoice $_invoiceModel
// \Magento\Sales\Model\Order\CreditmemoFactory $_creditmemoFactory
// \Magento\Sales\Model\Service\CreditmemoService $_creditmemoService

$invoiceobj = $this->_invoiceModel->loadByIncrementId('000000073');
$creditmemoObject = $this->_creditmemoFactory->createByOrder($order);

And I'm receiving following error:

We don't have enough information to save the parent transaction ID.

Best Answer

Try the service layer. This interface was added in 2.1.3 for exactly this purpose:


// Inject \Magento\Sales\Api\RefundInvoiceInterface $invoiceRefunder
    123, // Invoice ID (NOTE: not increment ID)
    [], // Items array (default all)
    true // Online refund--send to payment gateway

There are several additional optional arguments for notifying the customer and adding a comment.

If you're curious, you can find the implementation here:

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