Magento – Magento 2 reindex gives error Duplicate entry


I am experiencing an issue which not sure why when I try to reindex it gives the error:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 
'4458-142-1-1293-4458' for key 'PRIMARY', query was: INSERT INTO 
(`entity_id`,`attribute_id`,`store_id`,`value`,`source_id`) VALUES (?, 
?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, 
?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, 
?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?).....

Now the problem is I don't see a table in the Database called catalog_product_index_eav_temp otherwise I would delete the duplicate entry and problem would be solved.

The line that is failing is with EAV:

php bin/magento indexer:reindex
Design Config Grid index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
Customer Grid index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
Category Products index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
Product Categories index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
Product Price index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:07

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 
'4458-142-1-1293-4458' for key 'PRIMARY', query was: INSERT INTO 
(`entity_id`,`attribute_id`,`store_id`,`value`,`source_id`) VALUES (?, 
?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, 
?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, 
?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?).....

Stock index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
Catalog Search index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:01
Catalog Rule Product index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
Catalog Product Rule index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00

Does anyone know what could be wrong and how to fix! txs.

Best Answer

I have also face this issue,your error is Duplicate entry 4458-142-1-1293-4458 in your case the attribute id is 142, go to eav_attribute table and check 142 attrbute backend_type and entity_type_id, for example if in 142 id your attribute backend_type is varchar and entity_type_id is catalog_product, then go to the catalog_product_entity_varchar and filter 142 attribute_id rows there one row with duplicate value 4458 for example it may be (123,234,4458,4458), so you need to remove one time 4458 it should be (123,234,4458), it will fix. Thanks.

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