Magento 2 Product View – Remove Fotorama Caption


Image Label on Product View

I need to remove the image label/name from product view pages, or determine why they're showing up. I cannot seem to find them referenced in the XML for catalog_product_view.xml, nor in the phtml files.

I searched here and google for this but did not find anything substantial. I can't even find anything related. On this install, I am using the Ultimo theme by Infortis and Magento is version 2.2.4.

The attached screenshot displays what I mean. The image file name is displayed under the image and I need to remove that, but have found nothing in the way of assistance.

[EDIT] It's the Fotorama caption I need to remove. The view.xml for Ultimo has these set to false but they're still not being removed. I tried removing it through the CSS .less files but no go. Flushed caches between all changes.

Best Answer

Unfortunately there is not currently a way to remove with admin panel options or layout xml update. Easiest thing to do is just set a display:none property.

& when (@media-common = true) {
    .catalog-product-view {
        .fotorama__caption {
            display: none;
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