Magento – magento 2 remove mini cart item page reload


How can I reload the page when I remove mini cart item ?
I know it's Magento 2 bug.

On the checkout cart page there are many products In mini cart as well as In checkout cart page when I remove In mini cart, content not updated and I know it's a big thing to update checkout cart page content using Ajax so I am thinking about when customer remove item from cart I need to reload the page.

Best Answer

Fixed issue in all checkout page magento 2


=> put the comment code after comple function

.done(function (response) {
    var msg;
    if (response.success) {, elem, response);
       /** **page reload code */
        if(this.options.url.remove == url && window.location.href.indexOf("checkout") > -1){
        /** page reload code */
    } else {
        msg = response['error_message'];

        if (msg) {
                content: msg