Magento – Magento 2 remove My Account and Wishlist link from top links


I have inherited a theme from Magento's blank theme, now I need to remove the My Account and Wishlist links from the top.links block.
To remove the links, I am using Magento_Theme module's default.xml layout file. Below is the xml that I have added to remove the links:

    <referenceBlock name="my-account-link" remove="true" />
    <referenceBlock name="register-link" remove="true" />
    <referenceBlock name="wish-list-link" remove="true" />

But it does not have any effect on frontend. Please tell me if I am missing something? or is it the right place I should place this xml?

I have checked the log files, there is no entry related to layout or top.links.

Best Answer

for me after adding referenceBlock then worked. Tested

   <referenceBlock name="top.links">
        <referenceBlock name="register-link" remove="true" />           <!--for Create Account Link-->
        <referenceBlock name="authorization-link" remove="true" />      <!--for Sign In Link  -->
        <referenceBlock name="wish-list-link" remove="true" />          <!--for WishList Link-->
        <referenceBlock name="my-account-link" remove="true" />         <!--for My Account Link-->


Here is Reference