Magento – Magento 2: Required parameter ‘theme_dir’ was not passed


I have installed the following module:

It works like it's supposed to but getting an error.

When looking inside the module i see it tries to do the following when trying to send a notification email:

$alertGrid = $this->_appState->emulateAreaCode(
        [$block, 'toHtml']

It does this for each website that has enabled the product notification (and if a product comes back in stock)

I have 3 websites in one magento 2 installation. Each has it's own theme completely different than the other. lets call them theme 1 till theme 3.

When it tries to send a notification email for the website with theme 1, i already get the exception:

Required parameter 'theme_dir' was not passed.

This gets catched and will try to send the email for the websites withtheme 2 and theme 3.

Only the first theme fails and gives me the error.

Any idea which could be the problem? I tried to look in the theme table. but everything looks fine, path and everything. The theme works when i navigate to the website.

I will keep this updated.

Update 1

I have found the problem. It is storeview related.

The $block variable is based on storeid, it doesn't work with my storeId 1 (english). But when i hardcoded it to my storeview id 2 (dutch). It works. Any idea why it only happens with my default store id?

The block variable is build like this:

        foreach ($this->_stockProducts as $product) {
        $block = $this->_getStockBlock();
        $templateId = $this->_scopeConfig->getValue(

Best Answer

1) Go to Content -> Configuration, select the scope (global, website, store_view) and change the theme. After you've done that you should also remove it from Content -> Themes.


Go to your core_config_data table and search for theme and you will get path = design/theme/theme_id replace your theme id in it.

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