Magento 2 – Review/Ratings Stars Icons Not Displaying Correctly on Frontpage


we have Magento 2.1.2 with a Custom LUMA Parent Theme.
The Rating Stars are not correctly showing.

enter image description here

If i hover the "stars" the show me the red stars over the arrow but i need only stars not arrows!

Sombody here, how can help me to fix thats Problem?
Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

I was having the same issue, the :before pseudo class for .review-control-vote has the wrong icon being called in the _module.less file.

In app/design/frontend/Magento/luma/web/css/source/_variables.less line 30


@icon-star-empty: '\e625';


@icon-star-empty: '\e605';

Ideally, this should be within your own theme and you shouldn't be editing the Luma theme directly.

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