Magento 2 – Understanding Sequence Tables


In my the Magento2-0.74.0-beta7 there are some tables related to sales entities that start with sequence_.

  • sequence_creditmemo_0
  • sequence_creditmemo_1
  • sequence_invoice_0
  • sequence_invoice_1
  • sequence_order_0
  • sequence_order_1
  • sequence_shipment_0
  • sequence_shipment_1

All these tables contain a single column sequence_value

I assume that 0 and 1 at the end of the table name are related to the store id, but what's the purpose of the tables?

Best Answer

I happened to notice this table.

In case you're still interested, it records the increment_id for order/invoice/shipment of your store.

e.g. Place a new order, it increases by 1.

Set it to 1000000, your next order id will be 1000001.