Magento 2 – Set Backorder Status Programmatically


In my case I want to set backorder status to 1 (turn it on).
I'm playing around in module-catalog/Controller/Adminhtml/Product/Save.php in the execute() function.

I can modify array $data with all new settings before the product will be saved. And for example if I change name it will take effect. But if I change ['stock_data']['backorders'] it will not.

So my question is how to set backorder status programmatically on product save? (simple product)

Here's short example of the array:

    [product] => Array
            [status] => 1
            [name] => Somedress-4
            [sku] => skudress-4
            [price] => 575.00
            [stock_data] => Array
                    [item_id] => 87
                    [product_id] => 87
                    [stock_id] => 1
                    [qty] => 5
                    [min_qty] => 0
                    [use_config_min_qty] => 1
                    [is_qty_decimal] => 0
                    [backorders] => 1
                    [use_config_backorders] => 0

Best Answer

To set backorder status programmatically you need to override /module-catalog/Controller/Adminhtml/Product/Save.php and do this:

$stockData = ['backorders' => 0,
              'use_config_backorders' => 1];
