Magento 2.1 – Set Different Prices for Different Store Views and Render in Admin Product Form


I am working on an extension in which I need to create different prices based on the different store view. I have created own table in which I am saving store view id and product id on event catalog_product_save_after.

I want to join this table with a product price table in the data provider of product form in admin. I tried with different tricks, but I failed. I need to show the price per store view. Could anyone help me to achieve this? Help will be appreciated

Thank You

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Best Answer

I got the answer the answer of above question by printing events in \vendor\magento\framework\Event\Manager.php

On event catalog_product_edit_action call your own observer just fetch price data for particular store view and set that price like this


that's it, here static price 50 is set in admin product edit form.

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