Magento – Magento 2 showing the same Widget twice


I need to create 2 widgets on the homepage (CMS Home Page -> Main Content Area).

To do that, I created 2 modules (one for each widget) and extended them from Catalog Product List to use my own template (and also to select the products from the admin in a more fancy way).

The problem is that the frontend is displaying the same widget twice (the first one, the other one doesn't appear at all).

Apparently, there is a known issue related to this, but if someone found a solution to this bug and share it, it would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

I found a solution and forgot to post it here, better late than never. The issue is that the widget_id isn't stored within the cache key, so I added the getCacheKeyInfo method to the Block of my Module and set the id for the widget (note self::WIDGET_ID).

 * Set widget id to prevent M2 bug
public function getCacheKeyInfo()
    return [
        $this->httpContext->getValue(\Magento\Customer\Model\Context::CONTEXT_GROUP),                intval($this->getRequest()->getParam($this->getData('page_var_name'), 1)),