Magento 2 – Create Simple Admin Form with Submit and No Data Source


Trying to create simple form inside admin to perform some action inside Block class (included into layout) and return success or error message.

The thing is I needn't use any data source and edit/delete actions.
So simply need to submit it and do some actions inside.

I tried to make form via template and layout, but submit takes me to "admin/dashboard" instead of needed controller whatever I tried to set inside form action parameter.


<form class="form" action="" method="post">

    <fieldset class="fieldset">
        <legend class="legend"><span><?php echo __('Import Product') ?></span></legend><br>
        <div class="field required">
            <label for="number" class="label">
                <span><?php echo __('GTIN') ?></span>

            <div class="control">
                <input type="text" id="number"

    <div class="actions-toolbar">
        <div class="primary">
            <button type="submit" class="action submit primary" title="<?php echo __('Submit') ?>">
                <span><?php echo __('Submit') ?></span>



<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<page layout="admin-1column" xmlns:xsi=""
        <referenceContainer name="content">
            <block class="Modules\Import\Block\Adminhtml\Index\Index" name="index.index"

How to make submit to needed controller? Or is there another way to create simple form?

Best Answer

Sure that you missed to add form key:

<input name="form_key" type="hidden" value="<?php /* @escapeNotVerified */ echo $block->getFormKey() ?>" />

Remember to add Url action for your form.

Code for getFormKey() taken here vendor\magento\module-backend\Block\Template.php