Magento – Magento 2 Some configurable products not shown on frontend


I have noticed some of my configurable is not showing on the frontend, nor searchable. However, the product page is accessible directly with URL.

These products which are not showing on the frontend (but accessible with URL), have exactly the same setup as those are displayed correctly.

I have tried the following, but it didn't help.

I tried to clear cache php bin/Magento cache:flush

I tried to reindex php bin/magento indexer:reindex

I tried to deploy static content php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

And in admin, I have made sure the products are enabled, and Visibility set to Catalog, search.

enter image description here

enter image description here

I have made sure that the child products is in_stock, and both child products and parent product are assigned to the correct website and categories.

What did I miss?

Best Answer

Please Check the Following Step

  • On the inventory tab, mark availability as 'In Stock'.

  • Ensure there is a simple product associated.

  • Ensure the simple product has availability marked as 'In Stock'.

  • Ensure the simple product has qty set above the out of stock quantity threshold.

  • Ensure both the simple product and configurable product is associated to the correct website.

  • On the General tab of the configurable make sure Visibility is set to something other than not visible individually.

Re-index (System > Index Management > Select All > Submit).

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