Magento 2 Static Blocks – Fix Blocks Not Showing on Category Pages


I'm trying to add static blocks on Category Pages and all category pages have different content. So, I add Blocks to the Backend

Category Page > Content > Add CMS Block


Display Settings > Static Block Only

In some Category, i am able to see the blocks but in some, it doesn't show no matter what the settings are. I'm unable to verify the problem.

For e.g – I made 2 blocks for Categories X and Y. Selected appropriate blocks for both. Block shows up in X but not on Y. All the settings are same. Even same blocks doesn't work

Best Answer

Try to run:

php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush


Try adding them as widgets maybe it will work. Go into the admin to Content > Widgets > Add Widget. From there you can configure your widgets to appear on Specific/All categories:

Widget settings

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