Magento – Magento 2 static deploy en_US argument invalid on XAMPP


I've cloned a working magento 2 repo, done composer install and when I'm trying do do: setup:static-content:deploy I get the error:

en_US argument has invalid value, please run info:language:list for list of available locales

When I run info:language:list I've got an empty list.

This is happening only on windows with xampp – on other computer with linux/mac everything is working fine.

What could be the problem?

Every new install of magento 2 fails on two computers with win7 and xampp. I've tried wamp but it failed as well. It doesn't matter how magento is installed – though composer, git clone or zip package. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Try to remove var/* of magento2 and recompile all again by execute command php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy. If problems still there you should re-install magento
Latest version 2.0.2 here

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