Magento – Magento 2 text swatches sort order not working


I have a problem with the sort order of the text swatches.
I use text swatches for configurable products (clothing with sizes)

On the manage swatch tab of the attribute I have the following options in this order: 92,98,104,110,116,122,128,134,140

in the layered navigation block the swatches show up in the exact order.
on my category and product pages the sort order changes.
I have one product showing the swatches option like: 134,140,92,98,110,122
and another product shows: 134,92,98,104,140

How is this possible and how can I change this?

Best Answer

Looking at an update to the bug noted by Bilal in the comments, it looks like this is a known issue which might be fixed in 2.3: