Magento 2 Theme Override – Changes Not Showing


I am new to Magento 2 and theming and I'm having trouble overriding a particular template. I am running in developer mode.

I have successfully installed my theme and applied it globally in the admin, using Luma as a parent.

<vender> = SampleStore
<theme> = sampletheme

I can tell it is working because I have added _theme.less to <vender>/<theme>/web/css/source and changed the background color of the body to red, which after a cache clear is reflected on the store in my browser.

My issue is when I try to override a template not just a style change my changes are ignored and the parent Luma template is served.

I am trying to add some text after QTY on the product page, just as a test.

I went into vender/magento/ and copied module-catalog and all it's sub folders (as that is where the template for this particular change is) and paste them in my own vendor directory (not inside the <theme> directory, but right inside <vender>): <vender>/**module-catalog**

I deleted all the folders I didn't need, leaving me with view/frontend/templates/*all files*

Have I misunderstood where to place this module-catalog folder, have I missed out a step or something else? Why is my new template ignored and Luma being used?

enter image description here

I am using this guide. Specifically this section:

Template customization walkthrough

To customize or override a template:

  1. Locate the template which is associated with the page or block you
    want to change, using template hints in developer tools. For example,
    these would be located at:
  2. Copy the template to your theme folder according to the template storing
  3. Make the required changes.

Best Answer

You need to change your path with below the structure.


It will work.

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